Frequently Asked Questions

  • What services does Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis offer?

    We offer free and confidential support to all survivors (aged 12+) of sexual violence and their non-offending partners, family members and friends. We offer support in a variety of ways, including phone, email, Zoom/Skype, text, letter and face to face. 

    Our phone helpline (0800 121 4685) from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. You can access emotional support along with practical support on health issues, police and legal procedures, hospital and doctors appointments, court attendances etc. 

    Everything you say is treated in confidence within the terms of our Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults policies.

  • I wasn't raped - can I still speak to someone about abuse?

    Yes. We deal with all kinds of sexual violence including harassment, bullying, stalking, childhood sexual abuse, sexual assault and rape. 

    There is no time limit on when the abuse happened - whether it happened 30 years ago or 30 days ago, we can still support you. Different people need to access support at different times in their lives. We will help you and we will believe you, however long it's been. 

  • Do I need to pay?

    No. All of our services are provided free of charge. 

  • I find it difficult to think about what happened, never mind talk about it face to face. How can I get help?

    It's normal for survivors of sexual violence to feel like this. If you're not completely comfortable seeing someone face to face, telephone support would be a good place to start. You could also consider email or letter support. 

    It's also important to remember that if you start with telephone support, there is the possibility of switching to face to face support - but you won't be put under any pressure to do so. It's your support, and we're here to do what helps you. 

  • Do I have to report what happened to the police?

    No. We will support you whether you decide to report to the police or not. This decision is entirely yours and we won't try to influence you in any way. 

    If you do decide to report, we can accompany you if you wish. Reporting to the police can be done at any time, even long after the event. 

  • I'm under 18 - can I still get support from you?

    Yes. We have a specialised youth prevention project with workers who are specially trained in support young people. 

    Find out more about our projects in school here.

  • I'm disabled and unable to leave home without help. How do I get support?

    There are options available to you. You can telephone, email or write to us. However, if you'd rather speak to someone face to face, we can arrange support sessions with you in your own home. 

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